

AMC-Annual Maintenance Contract

For your peace of mind we strongly recommend that your systems are subject to regular air conditioning maintenance contract. It is a recognized fact that a regularly serviced air conditioning unit will have a far longer lifespan, will have higher performance and be more energy efficient. During the air-conditioner cleaning, we might also detect potential failures/problems.

Chemical Service

Air Conditioning Service (Chemical Wash) is our most popular service due to the facts that it totally wash out long-time dirt that stuck on your air-conditioner’s coil fins and roller wheel. If these dirt that is not cleared, it will cause many problems to your air-conditioner such as – Taking longer time to cool up your room. Incur more electricity. Water leaking problem. Shorten the lifespan of the air-conditioner.

Dry Service

Air Conditioning Service (General Service) is for air conditioner units that has just undergo servicing in the last 3 months. Consist of minor touch-ups and cleaning. We recommend doing this service every 3-4 months in maintaining your air conditioner cleanliness and freshness of air to breathe in.

What We Do

You need trained professionals to install your air conditioners, keeping in mind that there is no problems of gas leakage, water leakage and noise


For your peace of mind we strongly recommend that your systems are subject to regular air conditioning maintenance contract.


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Sed ut perspiciatis unnatus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
